Steph Hatt
July 18, 2023
November 02, 2017
If you suffer from persistent verrucas or know someone who does, then the Swift Microwave Verruca treatment could be the solution you have been waiting for.
Verrucas are plantar warts commonly found on the foot caused by strains of the human papillomavirus infecting the outer layer of the skin. They can appear on any aspect of the foot but usually present on the weight-bearing surfaces.
Visual representation of skin with Verrucas
Visual representation of skin without Verrucas
Initially, verrucae can present as a small whitey pink bump but in the later stages, they often have a rough cauliflower-like appearance with central black dots. Verrucae can develop as one singular wart or multiple tightly packed individual warts. If the verrucae forms on a weight-bearing surface such as the heel it will usually protrude into the skin may acquire an overlying spongy callus and can be painful when walking. If it develops on a non-weight-bearing surface such as the side of a toe, it will protrude outwards and might not cause any pain unless squeezed.
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